Virocid - Disinfection in Action
In today’s farm world, YOUR world, efficient and continuous disinfection is a top priority. Virulent diseases not only reduce your profits and increase your costs, they can even effectively decimate a whole industry. Safety, biosecurity and prevention are key, today more than ever. And Virocid® is your partner to help achieve those.
Virocid® is a super concentrated disinfectant, with a synergistic composition of 4 ingredients and 3 groups of actives. As a result, Virocid® is arguably effective even at a very low dosage* against all micro-organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores. In addition Virocid® has a long effect and can be used in many different circumstances and on different surface like concrete, metal, foot baths, vehicles.
For thousands of poultry farmers throughout the world, Virocid® puts disinfection in action day after day.
It is simple, really: cleaning and disinfecting are the single most important actions to maintain the well-being and health of high-producing animals - such as dairy cows. This is especially the case in intensive modern animal housing where high density and high productivity increase the infection pressure.
Only thorough cleaning and adapted disinfection decreases the pathogen level and prevents or breaks the disease cycle.
And that’s not just us talking. World leading biosecurity authorities such as Biocheck have emphasized time and again the importance of cleaning and disinfection.
2 principles to remember and apply every day
ACTION and reaction are equal and opposite. That means, the degree to which we take sanitizing action is the degree to which we score health results. No more, no less.
In other words: clean first, disinfect second and never disinfect without cleaning if you want your sanitizing actions to be effective.
The bactericidal, virucidal, fungicidal and sporicidal effect of Virocid® is unique in the world and is safe for people, animals and their environment. However, we recommend using biocides cautiously. Read the data sheet on Virocid® 1% and Virocid® 0,5% before use. This sheet contains further information on handling, product safety, personal protection measures, toxicity and ecology. We advise to always wear protective equipment to minimize exposure to potential hazards or workplace-related injuries and illness. Personal protective gear may include gloves, safety goggles, safety shoes, earplugs or muffs, face masks, protective vests or bodysuits. Do contact sales and technical representatives should you require any additional information.

Virocid® can be used between 4 °C – 60 °C, and even in freezing temperatures, by adding propylene glycol.
Also tested in seawater (CFR Test University of Bergen, Norway). Test available upon request.

Virocid® at 0,5%, after 1000h of immersion causes no corrosion on surfaces commonly used in livestock industries and therefore can be used safely.
Corrosivity test done at CIRLAM laboratory based on UN no. ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.4 guidelines.
* considered norm for the ADR transport law. 0,1mm/year gives a visual appearance of beginning corrosivity
In dilution, Virocid® has a pH around neutral.

The dilution of 0,5% (1:200) and 1% (1:100) is stable in water of 6 °C (43 F), 25 °C (77 F) and 40 °C (104 F) during 4 weeks.
The concentrate has a shelf life of 3 years at an average temperature of 25 °C.

Virocid® is VDA approved at 1% as class A.
Products with a VDA approval meet the highest German quality standards, meaning not corrosive on vehicles.
(VDA = German Association of the Automotive Industry)
Biosafety is simply the most reliable way to keep my animals and my farm safe and healthy
We are a middle sized, modern farm with little manpower and a lot of history. Our family has a generational tradition in pig farming. I know very well where I want to go with my farm. At any given time there are around 2.500 to 3.000 piglets on our farm. Biosecurity is essential to us.
When you focus on biosafety, you need to be able to count on close collaborations and reliable partners. I need people who stand by my side to care because they want the best for our company.
The practical back-up of the solutions and products that CID LINES, An Ecolab Company represent, really reassures me.
I know I can count on them.
VIROCID® is the disinfectant of choice for hundreds of thousands of animal husbandry, fish farming, food processing, animal transport and feed storage companies all over the world.
By the time you have read this sentence someone, somewhere has used another gallon of VIROCID® to effectively disinfect a stable or a floor.
Why do hundreds of thousands of farmers consider VIROCID® the best disinfectant money can buy? Because of VIROCID®' a unique C.E.L.L action.
EFFECTIVE: against all micro-organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores.
LONG LASTING: VIROCID® has a long residual action, preventing microbiological recontamination.
COMPLETE SPECTRUM: VIROCID® kills ALL microorganisms: viruses, bacteria and fungi, including spore stages.
Thanks to VIROCID®’s C.E.L.L action bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores don’t stand a chance. Moreover Virocid®’s required dosage is 50% lower than other disinfecting products, making Virocid® not only vastly more economical but also a lot more versatile.
Highly efficient to kill bacteria, spores, viruses and fungi
Residual action
No resistance
Very low dilution rate
Extremely economical cost- in-use
Versatile usage: spraying, foaming, fogging, booth dips, wheel dips
Active at all temperatures
Effective in hard water (even sea water)
Effective in presence of organic matter
Safe for equipment (neutral pH) and environment friendly
Animal houses and material
Animal transport and materials
Storage and processing rooms for feed and food
Food transport
Boots and wheels via dipping baths

Official bodies confirm the effectiveness of VIROCID®
The Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) has found VIROCID® to be one of few disinfectants capable of eliminating African Swine Fever Virus on hard surface to EPA satisfactory level. The Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC)’s sole purpose is to protect US livestock from exposure to Foreign Animal Diseases (FADs) that might threaten the country’s livestock industries, food security and economy. PIADC tested a whole range of disinfectants on their effectiveness in eliminating ASF. Virocid®, manufactured by CID LINES, An Ecolab Company, scored the best results.
US Homeland Security study shows VIROCID® is an effective disinfectant on porous surfaces.

Performance on concrete
The efficacy test conducted at the PIADC was published during a series of webinars held on 26-30 October 2020, and evaluated a number of commercially available disinfectants in the US (USDA APHIS listed disinfectants for use against ASF). Virocid®, a prominent product from CID LINES, An Ecolab Company, was one of 6 products in the test (2).
The efficacy evaluation, made by The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USA, showed that Virocid® was able to reach the US EPA product efficacy cut-off point on a hard, porous surface.
This is significant, as concrete’s high pH means the virus can reoccur on untreated surfaces.
Performance on stainless steel
On top of its results on concrete, Virocid® performed as well on stainless steel (hard surface) as the two USDA APHIS listed disinfectants for use against ASF.

You might have heard or read a lot of tips about the do’s and don’ts of cleaning on the farm, but which ones should you strictly follow? Time to bust a few myths and inform you with facts that will allow you to remain safe and healthy.

Myth No. 1: ‘Cleaning equals disinfecting.’
FACT. Centers for disease control and prevention stated that cleaning refers to eliminating dirt and dust from surfaces, which expels, but does not kill, some of the microbes. As we said earlier, cleaning is key since it decreases the number of bacteria in the environment.
Disinfecting, on the other hand, kills germs on surfaces by immersing them with chemicals. Both cleaning and disinfecting play an important role in keeping your farm clean and sanitized. The rule is always: cleaning first, then disinfecting.

Myth No. 2: ‘The majority of disinfectants are just similar products.’
All too often disinfectants are lumped together and thought about as similar products.
After all, they all contain the same ingredients, right?
FACT. In the United States alone, there are thousands of registered disinfectant companies all over the market, each of which differs from the others. Reading the product label and instructions for use is vital to ensure that the product is used properly and safely, both of which help to increase disinfection compliance.
FACT. VIROCID® consists of 4 different groups of active ingredients.
2 different quaternary ammonia, glutaraldehyde - a safe, modern aldehyde, widely used in human medicine, plus buffering agents and stabilizers. VIROCID®’s unique active formula guarantees long lasting action, preventing recontamination. Moreover VIROCID®’s complete spectrum kills all microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi and spore stages.

Myth No. 3:’ If a disinfectant kills bacteria effectively, it must be toxic.’
FACT. the amount of glutaraldehyde in aerosol is below the Maximum Exposure Limit and VIROCID® is classified as safe to use for humans in a dilution of 1:200 (0,5%), VIROCID® contains no carcinogenic formaldehyde nor toxic phenols, without compromising germicidal efficacy.
VIROCID® is readily biodegradable for more than 90% after 28 days, according to European Commission directives and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).

Myth No 4: ‘I can use any disinfectant for any kind of surface or purpose’
Because disinfecting is disinfecting, right?
FACT. When it comes to cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, it is essential to consider what bacteria are related to the type of dirt and surface and focus your attention on a disinfectant formulation that provides equilibrium between effectiveness and minimal toxicity to elevate user compliance.
VIROCID® provides that equilibrium even in low dosage thanks to its QUADRUPLE ACTIVE INGREDIENTS. So you really don’t need to use more to disinfect better!

Myth No 5: ‘The higher the dosage I use, the better my disinfectant will work.’
FACT. VIROCID® is a super concentrated disinfectant, with a synergistic composition of 3 active ingredients. As a result, VIROCID® is arguably effective even at a very low dosage (0.5%) against all micro-organisms: bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores. In addition, VIROCID® has a long residual effect and can be used in many different circumstances and on different surface like concrete, metal, foot baths, vehicles, ...