Hoof Care
You can trust CID LINES, An Ecolab Company to provide you with the advice and solutions to maintain optimal hoof care on your dairy farm.
Lameness is the third most important problem on many modern dairy farms after mastitis and reproductive failure. The considerable economic losses are attributable to the cost of treatment, decreased milk production, decreased reproductive performance, and increased culling. The incidence of lameness has steadily increased over the past 20 years, and on some farms over half of the animals become lame at least once each year.

Confinement of cows to harder, wet and abrasive floors
Housing conditions which are not ideal for resting time
Prolonged exposure of feet to wet manure
Nutritional mismanagement which encourage rumen acidosis
Slippery floors
Failure to recognize and institute prompt treatment of lameness
Trimming techniques & schedules
High infection pressure
Herd application
Preventive use for a period of 5 days a month in a hoof bath at the exit of the cowshed. Make sure the hoof bath is clear. In case of serious hoof disease, it is recommended to use a hoof bath during 7 consecutive days.

Hoof bath
Refresh regularly or refresh if there is insufficient solution present in the footbath.