Kenocid 2100
Ideal for milking robots!
- disinfectant
- based on active stabilised peracetic acid
- used for disinfection of brushes in milking robot
îmbunătățește semnificativ starea ugerelor!
- îmbunătățește semnificativ starea ugerelor!
Kenocidin® Spray and Dip (SD)
Spray-ul pentru întreținerea ugerului!
- forma de spray a produsului Kenocidin®
- bazat pe clorhexidină digluconat și Menthae Arvensis
- produs medicinal înregistrat
- îmbunătățește starea pielii ugerului și a sfârcului
Kenolac® (PRO)
Protecția pe timp de vară pentru orice vacă!
- produs de înaltă calitate pentru îmbăierea ugerelor
- pe bază de acid lactic 3,6%
- disponibil sub formă de soluție de îmbăeire sau spray
- se poate utiliza în fermele organice
Kenolac® SD
The summer protection for every cow!
- spray-version of Kenolac®
- based on lactic acid 3,6%
- possible to be applied on organic farms
For premium teat conditioning!
- based on an active iodine complex 3000 PPM
- registered as veterinary medicine in 13 E.U. countries
- for mastitis prevention
- broad spectrum activity
- gentle for the skin
- economic in use (non dripping)
Kenostart® Spray and Dip
Sprayable teat dip with perfect adhesion!
- medicinal teat dip
- spray version of Kenostart®
- registered in 15 european countries
- excellent disinfecting and skin conditioning properties
- adheres well to the skin
- does not cause blockages of spray lines
Keno™chlor 100
Disinfectant for drinking water
- Disinfectant for the treatment of drinking water
- Based on sodium hypochlorite
Keno™cid 2100
Acid disinfectant for CIP installations
- Acid disinfectant for CIP installations
- Based on peracetic acid (15%) and hydrogen peroxide
- Strong oxidizer
Keno™cid 2100 5%
Acid disinfectant for CIP installations
- Acid disinfectant for CIP installations
- Based on peracetic acid (5%) and hydrogen peroxide
- Strong oxidizer
Keno™cid 2100 5% Robot
Acid disinfectant for milking robots and CIP installations
- Based on peracetic acid (5%) and hyfrogen peroxide
- Strong oxidizer
- Cleaning Properties